Tag - English


Nasreddin Hodja

– NASREDDIN HODJA – The man who made the world laugh and think. Nasreddin Hodja is one of the most important characters of our history. Although it...


Sivrihisar Castle

Sivrihisar Yazıcıoğlu castle was firstly built by Frigs. It was developed during Roman period, and it protected its importance in Seljuks. It...


Zaimağa Mansion

– ZAİMAĞA RESIDENCY – Cabinet of Ankara government comes to Sivrihisar to make their first meeting outside of Ankara on 24 March 1922...


Sivrihisar Grand Mosque

– ULU MOSQUE – Sivrihisar Ulu Mosque is in the town centre. It is a work of Seljuks. It was built by Emineddin Mikail. one of disciples of Mevlana...


Sivrihisar Clock Tower

– THE CLOCK TOWER – Sivrihisar is famous for its clock tower. The Clock Tower is very old. The Clock Tower was built by Mr. Mahmut in 1900. It...


Sivrihisar Martyrdom

– Sivrihisar’s Martyrdom Monument – When Greek soldiers occupied Sivrihisar, 40-50 Turkish Raiders struggled with Greeks. Although Greek...

Web Site Hakkında

Sivrihisar Web Medya

Sivrihisar Şehrengizi

sivrihisar sehrengizi 1 - Pessinus Antique City

Gönül Dağı Dizi Film
