– Sivrihisar Armenian Church –
The Armenian Church was built in 1881 by Armenians. It is in the town centre, on Kevser street. It was built by using stone materials and it is crossed shape. There is a big dome on the building which has two floors. There are also two big bells on its corners.
The entrance is in its west. There are angel figures on the door. There are also a lot of epigraphs and inscriptions on its walls. The church was built by Mintes Panayot with the name of Surp Yerortutyun. The church is one of the tourist attractions of Sivrihisar. Now it isn’t used. However a lot of tourists visit the church every year.
The Armenian Church is a religious and a set piece which was built in 19th century.
Ermeni Kilisesi 1881 ‘de Ermeniler tarafından yapıldı. Bu yapı kasaba merkezi Kevser Caddesinde bulunmaktadır. Taş malzemeleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır ve çapraz şeklindedir. İki katlı binanın üstünde büyük bir kubbe vardır. Köşelerinde de iki büyük çan vardır.
Giriş batı kısmındadır. Kapıda melek figürleri vardır. Ayrıca duvarlarında da birçok yazıt ve kitabe vardır. Kilise Surp Yerortutyun adıyla Minteş Panayot tarafından inşa edilmiştir. Sivrihisar’ın turistik yerlerinden birisidir. Şu anda kullanılmamaktadır. Ancak birçok turist kiliseyi her yıl ziyaret etmektedir.
Ermeni Kilisesi 19. yüzyılda yapılmış dini ve sanatsal bir yapıttır.
The church was built by Armenians as a religious and artistic structure in 1881 and the actual name of the church Is Surp Yerrortut’yun Church (Holy Trinity Church). Surp Yerrortut’yun Church was planned as a rectangle extending from East to West from the outside and a three-nave basilica inside. The church has a baptismal room in its northern part and a room for the pastor in the southern part.
The inscription of the church reads as follows: ‘A church has been built with the help of congregation members in the name of the Holy Trinity (Surp Yerrortut’yun). Under the reign of Patriarch Nerses and with the help of the faithful community of Sivrihisar, the memorable work of the architect Mintesh Panoyat, Surp Yerrortut’yun Church, was built in 1881
Derleyen/Editor: MS
1- Sivrihisar Appearance Of The World Centre
Bora KAVAS – 20.09.2009
2- Sivrihisar Belediyesi Tanıtım Broşürü
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